Lodge of Perfection
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Barrie Lodge of Perfection

Conferring the 4th to 14th degrees

Many questions raised in the Craft Lodge are answered in the Scottish Rite degrees. All Master Masons in good standing with their Lodge are welcome. The continued growth of the Scottish Rite is most important to ensure its rich history is carried on with tradition and honour. The degrees continue the story of the building of King Solomon’s Temple, and amplify and conclude the legend of the Master Mason degree. They are designed to impress more forcefully the teachings of the first three degrees of Craft Masonry. Unlike the Craft Lodge, candidates are not required to do memory work in any of the Scottish Rite degrees. These special and unique degrees are held either in the Spring or Fall.

Lodges of Perfection confer the 4th to the 14th degrees inclusive. They amplify the legend of the Master Mason Degree and the story of the building of King Solomon’s Temple. These degrees are designed to build on the teachings of the first three degrees given in the Craft Lodge. The 4th, 5th, 7th, 13th, and 14th degrees are obligatory: the others, if not given in full, are “communicated” by obligation and explained.

4° Secret Master
5° Perfect Master
6° Intimate Secretary
7° Provost and Judge
8° Intendant of the Building
9° Elect of the Nine

10° Elect of the Fifteen
11° Elect of the Twelve
12° Grand Master Architect
13° Royal Arch of Solomon
14° Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason



The Delta enclosing the Hebrew Letter “Yod” as it appears on the fourteen degree ring.  Upon completion of the 14th degree, the new Scottish Rite member is entitled to wear the distinguished Scottish Rite ring that has retained its design over 200 years. An inscription inside the ring reads: “Virtue has joined, death shall not separate”.

The Mason who has advanced to the 14th degree has received spiritual and moral instruction, based on the events leading up to and associated with the building and completion of the Temple of King Solomon and the Architects who designed and furnished it.


Supreme Council Shield

Supreme Council Shield
(Note: only for their use)

The government of the Scottish Rite In Canada resides in the Supreme Council 33° which selects and elects its own membership. It is composed of Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General 33°, Active members, (not exceeding 33 in number) and Past Active members (without vote). Associated with them are Honourary Inspectors General 33°, distinguished brethren selected for their service to the Scottish Rite, to Freemasonry, to their country, or to humanity.

Subordinate bodies are, separate and independently, responsible to Supreme Council for certain degrees. These subordinate bodies comprises:- (see above)